
Giving Yourself Permission to Play

Giving Yourself Permission to Play

How are you doing? I’ve been busy. It’s been three years since we last talked. I was promoting a documentary. I’ve since helped out on another documentary. It’s good. They are both streaming on Amazon Prime Video if you want to watch them. I knew a lot about the...

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50 Summers

50 Summers

The world changed overnight, and I forgot to make a big deal about our movie being released. I’m sure like me, all of you have been stunned by the spread of the COVID–19. I hope you are home. I hope you are safe. And I hope you are healthy. I am all three (home, safe,...

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Diggity Do!

Diggity Do!

I recently completed a strip for Seven Days again and realized that it's been over a year since I last posted here. A lot has happened since then. TLDR: I was depressed. Bad Medicine In August 2018, I heard back from my cardiologist. I had finished my 6 month checkup...

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“I believe in the Church of Baseball.”

“I believe in the Church of Baseball.”

This week is the 30th anniversary of one of my favorite films, Bull Durham. It's considered to be one of the best sports movies of all time. I think it's more than that. Granted, it's a fantastic sports movie, and even if you aren't someone that likes sports, there is...

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Congratulations, Jason!

Congratulations, Jason!

I can finally share something very near and dear to my heart. Jason Lutes, our sturdy CCS captain and one of the best people I’ve ever met, finished his masterpiece Berlin. It’s been a two decade journey for him and it finally culminated this year....

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Spring Is My Comic Season

Spring Is My Comic Season

For most cartoonists, winter is the time to get work done. Short, cold days keep you inside and productive. For some reason, I start cranking out pages at a supernatural rate in the spring. Usually. Not for the last several years. With two surgeries in my rear view,...

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You Will Be Missed, Dean

You Will Be Missed, Dean

I'm saddened to learn about the passing of Dean Allen this week. He was one of the great writers and designers of the independent web. And he created one of the best content management systems of the early 00's – Textpattern. Nearly every site I built between 2005...

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Inktober 2017…From Hell

Inktober 2017…From Hell

For this year’s Inktober, I’m turning it into a work assignment. I’m going to be working on a graphic novel set in Hell after I finish The Walk. And I wanted to use the month as an opportunity to do some research and character studies on demons. Demons who I’d like to...

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Surgery Is A Great Way To Stop Drawing Comics

Surgery Is A Great Way To Stop Drawing Comics

Twenty-six years ago, I dislocated my right knee while we were on a family vacation in Colorado. After the initial dislocation, it seemed to be better. I wasn't running a marathon or anything, but it was okay to walk on. Several days later, we stopped for an...

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Don’t Train The Same Art Muscles Every Day

Don’t Train The Same Art Muscles Every Day

Sorry for the radio silence. I've been hard at work getting the art for The Walk further along than it has been. But I still feel like a failure on many levels. I can't blame myself for losing a couple years on it due to my health. But I have a hard time working on it...

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The Zen of Web Typography

The Zen of Web Typography

It's time. Time to start putting all of that great content you've created online. Makes sense, right? It's good. It's well-written. And it could help keep your website fresh. It could even help with SEO. There's just one mental hurdle you can't get over—it doesn't...

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