I'm saddened to learn about the passing of Dean Allen this week. He was one of the great writers and designers of the independent web. And he created one of the best content management systems of the early 00's – Textpattern. Nearly every site I built between 2005...
The Zen of Web Typography
It's time. Time to start putting all of that great content you've created online. Makes sense, right? It's good. It's well-written. And it could help keep your website fresh. It could even help with SEO. There's just one mental hurdle you can't get over—it doesn't...
SVG Filters
Last month I wrote on the B² Interactive blog about using SVG filters to help enhance all the photos on a large website I was working on. Using SVG, I was able to brighten all the photos without having to download them all and batch process them through Adobe...
A Designer’s Most Underrated Tool: The Highlighter
Designers use a lot of different tools in their day-to-day life. But the one that I don’t see many using is the simple and unassuming highlighter. Yes, you read that right. Not the latest prototyping software du jour, or the Macbook Pro. The highlighter. It’s the tool...
Design Is A Service, Unless It Isn’t
Designers, often fresh out of their studies, can be a complete pain in the ass. I say this with love in my heart. We study design because of our artistic sensibilities—and, well, we like eating. That starving artist look is only attractive for so long. So we head out...