Life is what happens while you’re making other plans

by | Jun 22, 2023 | Creativity

Home » Blog » Life is what happens while you’re making other plans

Jesus wept. My god. Did you believe me when I said “yep! The Ol’ Max Riffner Content Machine is firing back up! New comics! More blogging!” Were you thinking “you have a newborn, you dipshit.” Because, yeah, I have a newborn child and this shit is a lot of work. And I’m not The Food Bringer. That job is harder than my job. I do a lot of dancing and entertaining. Fart noises. That sort of thing. That’s my jam. I assist with everything else. The baths. The diaper changing. The provider of things from the outside world. But that’s not the main gig. The main gig is hard. I’m the roadie. Set up. Tear down. Pack it up.

Let’s get to the point.

I’ve got four pages done for See You In Hell. I may have set myself up to fail by thinking “hell I can bang out eight pages the week before I need it.” I got half way. And the guilt set in. And the questioning. But you can’t navel gaze when there is a tiny Xerox of yourself that needs you.

Why eight pages? Sure I know, it seems like a weird number. For those that don’t know, eight pages is when a reader will either keep reading or stop. Since I’m going to be doing a Patreon for this, I want people to read the first eight pages and decide if they want to pay for it. And I’ll be releasing it all for free, on social media and on my site, for a limited time. If finances are tight, you can read it for free. If you want to get exclusive content and new updates earlier than that, join us on Patreon. It’s going to be a good time.

I have so much I want to talk about. I think blogging is back now that Twitter has turned into NaziTowne. I stopped blogging because I was tweeting. But I’ve noticed that people have started blogging again, and it’s not search engine optimized content designed within an inch of its life for clicks. It’s good writing about real life. I didn’t realize how much I missed it. I never gave up on RSS, and I’ve started adding blogs again to my RSS reader. It is something to celebrate. I miss the old web. It was a little dirty. Not as polished as it is today. We were all figuring it out as we went. And now it’s sort of a hellscape. I welcome the oasis of good, personal writing.

You may or may not be attuned to my Gen X predilections but I am a fan of the movie Kuffs. And I have posted a lot of screengrabs from Kuffs on this post. If you have never heard of Kuffs, it stars Christian Slater, Mila Jovovich (you know, from every Resident Evil movie), President Sex from Scandal (also known as Bad Guy From Ghost), and Tron. He’s only in it for like 5 minutes. I’m not going to explain the movie. The screengrabs should be enough. You are going to watch the shit out of it or you aren’t. I’ll be honest. Sure, I’ve seen it 932 times, but I haven’t seen it in 30 years. I can’t tell you if this is a good hang. I think it is?

Right. The point.

So our man George Kuffs (yep), he is down on his luck, like all good heroes are at this point in the movie. He gets arrested, and they do a slow-mo drive by a wall that has a message on it. And that message said this: Life is what happens while you’re making other plans.

Stuck the landing. I’m like Denzel in Flight.

More soon. I want to talk to you some more. I’ve been thinking a lot about photography, YouTube, AI, and video games. Maybe too much. I’ve gone into some sort of weird Dad overdrive mode.

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